23 November 2013


I know you might have memorize my prayers
Specially those dreams I never knew how to achieve

Dear God, I am sorry  I involve you in this
But as of the moment I see no other way but through you

I am a woman trying to find my purpose
All I can say is a prayer

Others may doubt my intentions
I admit if I am in their place I might too

Eternal rest grant unto the departed, Oh Lord!
Specially those who died during Typhoon Yolanda
May the rest in peace

Thank you for shaking us
It bring out the best in my family and within my hometown

You always have your back-up plan
I've realized it when people go back depending on a candle light

I am a woman trying to find my purpose
And I think I am picking up the pieces

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© Jhecel Ogtip
Maira Gall