28 September 2015

5 Things I Learned As A Cornerstone Volunteer

    A few Saturdays ago I was a lead tutor during the Cornerstone session. The assigned topic for Lizzy and me was letters R, G, B. It was my first time on leading even though I’ve been volunteering for more than one year. I asked myself what I have learned in getting involved with the program. I narrowed them down to five.

1.      It is all about the students. When I decided to volunteer for Cornerstone I expected that there are many factors needed for the success of the program. Like dedication, funds, cooperation, and teamwork but these will become non – essential if the students or tutees are not interested in studying. Without their interest in learning it would be a hard situation for all the volunteers. That is why in Cornerstone, the team leaders and the CFC community talked to their parents beforehand. Encouraging them is important. Letting them participate in all the activities is important too. I make sure that they always have something to look forward for the next Saturdays.

2.      It helps me decides if teaching is for me. My aunt suggested that I enrolled a course in Education particularly Teaching Methods. I have to admit that being a teacher is not on the top of my list. I know that making it as profession is like being back to school every day. There is also this rumor that it does not pay well enough but it is the most fulfilling job. I’ve met different teachers, and they are saying the same.

Despite all of these I am giving it a chance positively 70%. Who knows what will I become?

3.      I am a visual learner. Yup, I learn efficiently if it is through photographs, and flash cards. Other styles of learning are auditory and kinesthetic.

4.      Some hyper active kids are easy to pacify. Unlike the timid ones who usually sit silently in the corner the hyper active kids are easy to read for me. They are the one who raise their hands even if they are not sure if their answer is correct. Yes, they tend to be loud. They won’t hesitate to have tantrums during a class session. I can detect that there is a problem once they become silent or once they stop switching seats. They usually tell me what their problem is once I asked them.

5.      Personal  connection is important. Just like any adult kids tend to open up if they feel close to their teacher. They won’t hesitate to participate in group discussion and be more willing to ask if they feel that the person they are talking is not a complete stranger. I have concluded that a little personal connection is important especially if you are doing a volunteer work.


  1. I'm so happy for this act of volunteerism you conducted. Hands down! Very good observations, too. I see that the more you give back to the community, the more you learn or receive more things beyond what money could make :)

    Mimi | Chasing Bleu

    1. It is true giving back to the community even though you think you have nothing would not be compared on what money can give. Volunteering let you also be exposed in life's adversity. :)

  2. This is really inspiring! :) I wanna volunteer too!


    1. Hi Jhanz! I am glad that my experience inspired you to do the same. Are you perhaps interested volunteering for Cornerstone program?


© Jhecel Ogtip
Maira Gall