04 September 2016

What Are Your Struggles?

What are your struggles?

This is the opening question of our leader in the SFC community when he gave a talk. Usually, he would start with anecdotes relating to his talk.  It was different yet an eye opener for me, and for everyone who is struggling in their own personal lives.

One shared a positive struggle in her service in the community. One shared his latest dispute with his father. One shared how her whole family is suffering due to the illness of her mother of how she is not yet ready to lose the only parent that she has. One shared his struggle all because of traffic, in which we I can relate.

Since I found a new job I have to sacrifice my other commitments and a decent sleep. I have to endure two hours traffic. I guess we all complain about traffic these days. I have to wake up early so that I can beat the heavy rush hour traffic. I would arrive early in my workplace but the office is still close, (what would I expect at six in the morning). I would spend my morning in a local food chain located across the building where I work.  I would consume the time people – watching, eating, writing, and reading. If only the crew and the other customers would not mind I would sleep too.

What I am currently experiencing right now is nothing compared to what I have heard. Nothing compared to what I see on the news. It is different from everyone to the point that we cannot compare the intensity of our struggles as well as our joys. We have our own cross to carry and our own ways of coping up.

I pray that we all surpass into the narrow paths of our lives. Trust that God will always provide. Let us practice faith, hope, love, and humility. Let us pray for one another.

In closing I would like to quote Kuya Cons, one of the head in the SFC community, 

“Sharing your story is better than any other service because you would help other people realize that they are not alone. Someone had been there and survived.  They can learn from you and be inspired in life.”

If you would not mind let me ask you, “What are your struggles?”



  1. I used to struggle with my sexuality. But now that I am out of the closet, my struggle is finding love. From someone who is used to be on the outside looking in, my observations and prejudices take the best of me. I'm scared, of what I know and I dont know.

    Got too deep there. ahaha glad to have found your blog.


    1. Hi Gene! Thanks for sharing. I guess all of us are scared. Whatever we decide to do we gotta trust that everything will fall into place. I'm happy that you decided to be true to yourself.

  2. Right now, I'm struggling with what I really want to do with my life. You know, career thing. Right after graduation, I was unsure kung ano ba talagang gusto ko. But in the end, I know that guide me along the way. I know that He'll lead me where He wants me to take. And I thank Him always for never giving up on me, on us, actually.

    Hope to hear from you soon!

    Love, Airish
    Gorgeous Glance

    1. That is something similar with what I am struggling too. Aside from what I shared in this blog. I am still thinking what I really want. I am staying in my job because I need one. I hope we both settled on what we really want, in God's perfect time. Prayer is best weapon.

  3. Hi! :-) Thanks for visiting. I'm trying my best to make this blog cool and awesome.


© Jhecel Ogtip
Maira Gall