27 January 2014


She is riding on the same route
She is in haste to catch up with time
Speed up; slow down no need to be rude
Drivers knew where they’ll be stuck

She knew it exactly like the other days
Hands on stirring wheel, foot on brakes
Sixteen miles ahead she awaits a post
A leaning post of three shining colors

A hand pointing opposite her direction
It is everybody’s way of giving
It is everybody’s waiting point
A part of human system
A way to keep her world going

Next to her window she saw a naughty grin
He is giving a good aura on this travel
Her nutshell tells her it’s just an ordinary encounter
But when he turned to her and says hi
It was a different and a beautiful encounter

Waiting point is everybody’s way of giving
Everybody’s way of loving
A part of human system
A way to keep this world going
Everybody’s way of giving
Today it’s giving a chance of love affair

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© Jhecel Ogtip
Maira Gall