20 January 2014


Yesterday, January 19, 2014 I acted like a kid. Yesterday I had fun. The nation celebrated the feast of Senior Santo Niño. Yesterday we shout, VIVA! VIVA SENIOR STO. NIÑO! It was my first VIVA. Lucky for me, our parish patron saint is Senior Santo Niño de Praga.

Through this celebration we are reminded to be childlike. Obviously, we Filipinos adore the little ones. Children are innocent, they confesses their true feeling. They do not concern themselves of the end of the bank note of their friends. They just want to play, ask about us, and good bed time stories. They would not oppose any of your answers about the monsters and fairies. They are simple. When they are hungry they will simply cry. If they want something they would simply tell the adults in their way of speaking without metaphors added. They are humble.

It is also this day that I witnessed the baptism of my fifth godchild. He is the third boy and the youngest.  After the reception and a minute break I go back to the parish with my niece (she is my cousin’s daughter) in tow to watch the festivity. To be honest, I was a little worried that we will lost each other in the crowd but we manage. We found a spot at the front. Unfortunately the dancers were facing back.
The committed servers of Holy Communion.

Dancers from Antipolo National High School (ANHS). 
They are the champion from last year's festival.
                                    Intermission number from Hillcrest School. 
                                               I got lucky with this one.

    During the dances we realized that the choreography of the team was not in our favour. We cannot see their faces. So, we have decided to leave our spot and hoped that we can find a good spot like them.

But we did not get through with the event’s security. They were determined to keep the festival in peace. Because I was with my eleven years old niece I decided to leave the crowd. We roam the vicinity and take pictures instead. 

                                                              ANHS's dancer after their performance

                            Members of Tribu de Santo Niño de Praga take a pose.

Until we bumped with my aunt and told us that is best that we go home. Going home means we did not know who wins the competition. Nevertheless, my niece and I had fun. It was my first attendance in the feast, also the first time that I tow someone younger than me. Next year we know what to do. It was unforgettable because, we never forget our first whether we were once a child or an acted a as a child. Admit it, you have one too.

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