03 February 2014


Starting this month, February 2014, I will be making a trip to the post office. Officially, I am letting the public know that I will express my birthday greetings and few hellos via letters – the traditional way.

This project may seem out of place considering that we are living on a digital world where information is delivered fast reaching not only one recipient but the whole world. I admit that I belong to the digital world; this blog is enough evidence not to mention that I have active accounts on different social networking sites. Experts even think that some are becoming as one of human being’s basic needs. Clearly, Project Snail Mail does not mean that I will stop getting involved in the internet, telephones, and all the other technology for advanced communication.

Project Snail Mail is being launch with the following objectives:

1.      Connect to family, friends or even strangers in a different but old way showing a great effort and sincerity. Specially to those who are not huge fan of e – mails.
2.       Improve my handwriting skills.
3.       Reuse old papers in my storage.
4.       Keep the post master busy.
5.       New edition of stamps for my collection.
6.       Deduce carbon foot print.     

Guidelines of the project:

1.       Select the receiver of every letter based on the occasion and location.
2.       Keep the context of the letter simple and short.
3.       Notify the receiver through Facebook if he or she has an account with the logo of the project. If no online account is available a text message will be received from the sender.

I have foreseen that the outcome of this project depends on the response of the receiver, whether he will write back or ignore an envelope.

If you want to be involved in the project please let me know. All information shared will be treated with confidentiality. Should you wish to start the same project, go ahead. However, I would like to know that you are on the same project so I may include you once I update about Project Snail Mail.

Expect a letter from me soon.

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© Jhecel Ogtip
Maira Gall