01 July 2014


   I think it is fair and high time that I tell you stories of my college days. I don't know if you can tell the difference but college days is real stories. By real stories - I mean of experiencing the moment with characters or witnesses. Unlike high school anecdotes, sometimes it was just me and the scenario or it was just them and my poetry. There are few highlights in my entire year in college that they strike my heart directly. They were life lessons in which I think, we all went through.Let me start  with the last Intramural that I have attended. 

   Intramural is an event highly anticipated of the whole school. Teams from other school branch, and different colleges gathers to prove and compete with each other. 

     When the Special Project Division launched a Photo Journalism competition I joined, that is why I had accessed with all the venue where some students are not allowed. Oh, the joy of acting like a professional Photojournalist!

Mr. Abut was my P.E. teacher making sure all things are set.

Those moves learned from P.E. are executed here. When I was one them I danced to the tuned of Poker by Face by Lady Gaga.

     Of all the sports it is the Cheer Dancing Competition that our College is really preparing for. At least in that, we think, that's what the majority of us excel. Though we never win ( I never been in the cheer dance team I am always assigned in the "Props Team") we do our best and make sure we enjoy the whole show.

Props made by the Juniors for our college, College of Arts and Sciences.

This is one of the entry that I submitted.

Cheer Dancers from College of Business are fixing their make - up.

At first, I thought they were wearing a pretty  head dress but it turned out to be a substitute for skirt.
    ISHM during their routine. At that year, 2011, they won the Cheer Dance competition, owning the title two times in a row. 

All those fun, happened in  Marikina. Which makes the place memorable.

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