03 July 2014


With the wilds and the strangers I find comfort
Through their eyes I can see that we share the same longing
I find comfort sharing my disagreement
Because somehow, sometimes, we disagree

With the wilds and the strangers I find comfort
Laughing to the content of laughter
Crying without them asking the reason
I know with the silence between my laughter and
   tears that they have been done with my phase

With the wilds and the strangers I find comfort
    whispering my secrets even in the eerie night
With them I can pretend to be a princess or a pauper or just be me
With them I know that my uncertainties are real

With the wilds and the strangers I find comfort
How about you, my new dear stranger?
Do you find comfort with the wilds and strangers like?

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© Jhecel Ogtip
Maira Gall