15 August 2014



“I believe that the very purpose of our life is to seek happiness. That is clear. Whether one believes in religion or not, whether one believes in this religion or that religion, we all are seeking something better in life. So, I think the very motion of our life is towards happiness.” – Dalai Lama

To restart this project I have to establish the meaning of happiness or better yet what happiness is for me. I found my answer in the book of quotes that I I have uploaded in my phone.

Even before I have read Gretchin Rubin’s The Happiness Project I have already decided to do something about being happy. It was after reading her book that I figured on how to do the project in which I admit I did not considered as one. In fact, some of the ideas of this project are borrowed from the book.

The specific goal of Project Happiness is to achieve balance in my life (social, spiritual, emotional, physical and financial). I know it is an ultimate hot question on how we will achieve such balance. Our answer will be different.  It just happened that I found mine in being happy.  This is also like a resolution for me.  Keeping track of what is going on with my life.

Project Happiness is about knowing what I am capable of and making it happen.
Here are some of the ideas that I borrowed from Gretchin Rubin’s work:
I call this as a list of rules to live by

1.      Be the best of whatever you are.
2.      There should only be one love.
3.      Keep calm.
4.      Keep it simple.
5.      Thou shall not be swayed by other religious practice.
6.      Let your past be your greatest inspiration not your desperation.
7.      TRY!
8.      Be brave.
9.      Admit it we all need money and/or work for a living.
10.  If possible do not burn bridges.
11.  Sometimes, it is human nature.
12.  Remember the virtues.
13.  “Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you." Matthew 7:7
14.  If you don't know where to row your boat let the current take you.

Here are my own ideas:

SOCIAL. I’m posting #ProjectHappiness in my social networking sites (Facebook and  Instagram).  This blog is a part of the project though; I have started publishing even before I read the book.

SPIRITUAL. I have joined CFC Singles For Christ. A community anchored to the Catholic church. Joining this community helps me grow spiritually.

EMOTIONAL. I have develop a positive attitude towards life. So far, It is taking me to the unexpected outcome of circumstances.

PHYSICAL.  All is better if you think you are beautiful no matter what they say. That is what I have been telling myself lately.

This project is still on going. Other activities are still being planned for my Project Happiness.  Updates will be posted here and on all my SNS accounts?

How about you? Are you happy? Have you done something about it? 

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Maira Gall