20 August 2014


Eleanor & Park

1.I am not smart about boys.

2. The girl just looked like exactly the sort of person this would happen to.

3.“I don’t think I even breathe when we’re not together. Which means I see you on Monday morning, it’s been like sixty hours since I’ve taken a breath that’s probably why I’m so crabby, and why I snap at you. All I do when we’re apart is think about you, and all I do when we’re together is panic. Because every second feels so important. And because I’m so out of control, I can’t help myself. I’m not even mine anymore. I’m yours, and what if you decide that you don’t want me? How could you want me like I want you?”

This one is the longest, obviously, so sweet, I think, all words are important. Take note this is one of Eleanor’s dialogue over the phone.

Eleanor & Park

4.Tonight was another fluke, a lucky break, a gift…

Eleanor & Park

5.“But we had a plan,” Cal said
“You had a plan,” Park said, “and it was terrible

“Worst friend in the world,” Cal said

Eleanor & Park

6. She looked like art, and art wasn’t supposed to look nice; it was supposed to make you feel something.

Eleanor & Park

7. Nothing before you counts. And I can’t even imagine an after.

Eleanor & Park

8. You can be Han Solo. And I’ll be Boba Fett. I’ll cross the sky for you.

Eleanor & Park

9.“Is Dad going to be mad at me?” he asked
“Whose business is this right now?”

“Ours”, he said
“You and me”, she said

Eleanor & Park

10. Eleanor hadn’t written him a letter, it was a postcard. Just three letter words.

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Maira Gall