31 October 2015

The Happy List // 3

            Happy Halloween!! I’m leaving at 3 pm to visit my deceased uncle. Before that, join me as I list the happy things for these past days. You too can write your own. Remember we should count our blessings not our worries.
1.      I made it to Morong, Rizal.
2.      I was able to attend today’s SFC household.
3.      Ramon Bautista’s “Bakit Hindi Ka Crush ng Crush Mo”. My brother a copy last night, I read it in one sitting. I was laughing with his witty advice.
4.      Surviving each day with three decent meals. Watching documentaries about poverty and social issues truly made me grateful of what opportunities that I have.
5.       It’s not raining anymore.
6.      My brother said that he passed all his subjects this semester.
7.      I’m at peace with myself. Meaning, I no longer doubt my capabilities on achieving my dreams.
8.      Reading comments here in my blog. I am always happy to read new comments here in Koshe. Tell me your thoughts guys. I don’t bite. J
9.      Hearing a mass last Sunday. The priest sermon was to the point. He said, “Your rewards may not be given to you directly but to your love ones.
10.  Clouds. They are dreamy and heavenly. Also, today's "Kalyeserye" episode in Eat Bulaga.

30 October 2015

Superstitious Beliefs Of Our (Filipino) Family

Ever since I was a child I was told to do things just because it was one of the superstitious beliefs that my father’s side of the family has been following. Sometimes I’d dare to disobey but it would only result in the argument within the family.

            It is my hope in listing these beliefs to inform those who do not entertain old traditions that are currently implemented in the Philippines. We never know, the next place that you will be visiting is observing these beliefs more strictly than mine.

28 October 2015

Side Trip In Morong Rizal

My interest with Morong, Rizal started when I was in college. My teacher in Rizal (a subject that tackles the life of our National Hero, Jose Rizal) mentioned that the people in Morong act differently. He said that they are well – mannered enough not to spit in the streets of their own town. And, that they were able to preserve some of its culture and tradition. I have mentioned my interest in visiting the town to my friends in an eager tone. But they responded by saying that there is nothing to see in the town. They said that it does not count as a tourist destination.

23 October 2015

Taking Gifting to The Next Level


   There is one wish that I would like to be granted this Christmas, that is having a permanent and full – time job. If I have one I can help pay the bills.  In case my curious friends, family, and godmother stumble here in my blog and wanted to wrap presents for me. I’d say a DSLR Canon, pair of shoes, Bohemian inspired dress, a new phone, and adult coloring book with colored pencils.

22 October 2015

Second Letter to D.K.

I am still the same. Nothing has changed. I still go to the library every Wednesday. The librarian is strict as ever. She made me write an apology letter for staining a portion of the book cover of Gardening and Landscaping. I argued that it was already there when I picked up the book but she did no listen. She threatened to send me to the Guidance Counselor’s office so I did what she told me.

16 October 2015

I Am A Dreamer

I Am A Dreamer

I am a dreamer
Yes I am
Travel without minding that huge fare
Getting dirty camping I won’t care if it is not a glam

Ever since I am a dreamer
A gig in a runway
Giving out book and food for free
Own two houses, one in a city and one by the beach

14 October 2015

A Letter of Gratitude To Everyone

            Years ago I wished that people would think and act the same. So that explaining would not be difficult and being a stereotype would not matter. But then I realize that it would not work out as I wanted and that everything will be repeating as it is. There will be no past and no future, only the never changing present.

05 October 2015

The Happy List // 2

Ah life! Nothing much happened but it felt like something good is happening soon. It started when I shun away all the negative thoughts. And so, I list people or things that made me happy. I wish you guys are happy wherever you are. Go on be happy and take a risk!

1.      I was able to attend SFC’s activities. I am glad I was able to attend one GMT and three household with my new head. It seems everyone is busy in SFC too we were not able to chit chat after the GMT because everyone is headed to their scheduled activities.

2.      Gilas Pilipinas won the silver medal for FIBA Asia Championship. At least, they ranked second to China. I’ve watched the games on a local free TV channel with my brother and I’ve seen how determined our national team was to get the only slot to Rio Olympics. New fan of Terrence Romeo here!

3.      I have warmed up with my Cornerstone tutees. See the photo above? That’s the first two girls I am tutoring this season.

4.      Our washing machine had been fixed. Some rat ate the wires of our washing machine in the house. Good thing my father knows how to fix it.

5.      The weather. It is not hot anymore.

6.      I found my SFC notebook. It is a notebook where I jot down the talks and other stuff about SFC (Singles For Christ). I found it at the back of the drawer of our cabinet.

7.      De – cluttered my business email. I moved all the emails from a certain person to a different folder. Then I deleted all the promotional emails. I hope to do the same with my other email account.

8.      Watching make – up tutorial video. Yup, you read it right. I am finally serious on learning how to paint my face. I have new mascara, eye liner, eyebrow pencil, and a BB Cream. I you have tips for beginners please feel free to comment below.

9.      My favorite TV shows are back. The Vampire Diaries season 7 will air this week on ETC. Hunter x Hunter is back with new episodes on GMA 7 (a local TV channel).

10.  New blog theme and design. I found this new blog design that I am using right now on Pinterest. I like how clean this is! It was easily installed. Thank you Maira for providing bloggers like me a free blog design.

© Jhecel Ogtip
Maira Gall