31 October 2015

The Happy List // 3

            Happy Halloween!! I’m leaving at 3 pm to visit my deceased uncle. Before that, join me as I list the happy things for these past days. You too can write your own. Remember we should count our blessings not our worries.
1.      I made it to Morong, Rizal.
2.      I was able to attend today’s SFC household.
3.      Ramon Bautista’s “Bakit Hindi Ka Crush ng Crush Mo”. My brother a copy last night, I read it in one sitting. I was laughing with his witty advice.
4.      Surviving each day with three decent meals. Watching documentaries about poverty and social issues truly made me grateful of what opportunities that I have.
5.       It’s not raining anymore.
6.      My brother said that he passed all his subjects this semester.
7.      I’m at peace with myself. Meaning, I no longer doubt my capabilities on achieving my dreams.
8.      Reading comments here in my blog. I am always happy to read new comments here in Koshe. Tell me your thoughts guys. I don’t bite. J
9.      Hearing a mass last Sunday. The priest sermon was to the point. He said, “Your rewards may not be given to you directly but to your love ones.
10.  Clouds. They are dreamy and heavenly. Also, today's "Kalyeserye" episode in Eat Bulaga.

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Maira Gall