03 November 2015

This Girl Is Learning To Put Make - Up

 When I was a teenager there my girl classmates started showing interest in make – up. They would show up in recitals with red lips and thick eyelashes. Back then, I did not share the same enthusiasm. I do not care if I look pale on school events or if I had an oily face. I carried the same attitude minus the oily face. Sure I know the basics of make – up. I understand them how it will affect my physical appearance yet I was hesitant to try them on. I’d put some if it is extremely necessary.

            Until, one opportunity was lost all because I was not wearing a presentable face. I mean, I don’t have a good make – up. Well, I certainly learned my lesson. I started scrolling the internet on basic make – up tips, and I’ve asked my close friends on their beauty secrets.
            Now, I’m seriously learning. I’m starting with what I currently have.

Ever Bilena  Products. 
Careline Oil Control Face Powder – This I thought is a foundation. I was wrong. This is a gift to me. Sadly, this does not compliment my skin type. Definitely this would be wearable to white – skinned, and let us not forget that it has Vitamin E.

Careline Make –up set 1 – It has nine shades to choose from for eyeshadow and two shades for the cheeks.

All for the eyes and skin.  AVON cosmetics
AVON Simply Pretty (for the eyes) – I have not used this yet. I have this issue with mascara. Where would I put it? People have to look closely to see my lashes.

AVON BB Cream – I love it. J It compliments my skin yet my skin would become itchy once I am sweaty. So, I think that it is best to wear a BB Cream in a low temperature or shall I say not under the sun?

Tell me are you a beauty junkee or are you like me?


  1. Not a beauty junkie, at all! I still don't know how to properly apply eye liner. I do own the basics since it's kind of 'required'.

    Love, Richel. | Richel Goes Places

    1. Ughhh... Even with the basics I am still struggling. Hopefully, I'll get the hang of it. :)


© Jhecel Ogtip
Maira Gall