19 February 2016

Never Have I Ever


Somebody told me that one should not despair on the things that I cannot do rather one should focus on enhancing what he is capable of doing. Do you agree? But sometimes we have to tell our “never have I ever” lists.  Who knows there might be people who are willing to help?

Never have I ever travelled outside the Philippines. You read it right. Back then, it was not an issue. I never really care that I have not been to places most people had been to.  Everything changes when I started to blog. I been reading about this and that, mostly a country’s culture is the one that appeals to me. I’d like to nurture and to educate myself about what beautiful world we have. What country would you suggest for first-timers?

Never have I ever worn a two – piece bikini. The obvious reason is that I do not have bikini body to flaunt. I’m generally curious if I would feel sexy when fate allows me to wear one.

Never have I ever won in (major) raffle draws. Perhaps, I don’t have the heart for it. I’d buy tickets and not wish to win the prize. If it is for a charity cause I would not mind losing.

Never have I ever seen a meteor shower. I always knew about meteor shower when it is over. So yeah I’ve never seen an actual one.

Never have I ever been to a hot air balloon festival. Can someone, please, sponsor me for next year’s festival.

Never have I ever ridden a Ferris wheel. Since I was a kid I have this mentality that the ride would malfunction once I decide to ride one. Plus the fact that I easily get dizzy then I will end up throwing up.

Never have I ever worn fake eyelashes. They say long eyelashes add beauty. Soon I will give it a try.

Never have I ever been to a book signing event. Now that I am considering sticking to literary blogging I think this should be taken into aggressive action.

Never have I ever ridden a bike. I never learned. The reason that I have scars is because I fall down every time I would do it alone.

How about you what are the things you have not done? 

Disclosure: This article is similar from Richel’s blog post on Richel Goes Places.


  1. I have also never worn a two-piece bikini, seen a meteor shower, been to a hot air balloon festival, been to a book signing festival and ridden a bike! I'm working on the last one for my Korea trip. Hehe. Thanks for linking back to me!

    Love, Richel. | Richel Goes Places

    1. Your welcome Richel. I love publishing posts through link back it gives me some sort of connection from other bloggers. :)


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Maira Gall