30 March 2016

8 Firsts In San Juan, Batangas

At last, the trip that had been planned since last year went through.  At exactly 1:30 pm on a Holy Thursday we were on our way to San Juan, Batangas to visit my Ninong and of course, to enjoy the beach. Seated on our rented van I was concentrating because I was fighting my car sickness. In which I did not do good. I am used to it – throwing up; I had my first since I was a kid. This does not stop me from enjoying the trip, in fact, had experienced many firsts.


1. First out of town trip with my relatives on a holy week. I know it is a bit distracting to some specially to super religious people to spend a vacation on a holy week instead of attending church activities. The opportunity arrives – that almost everyone is off from work. I see no reason to postpone the trip. Besides, we have our moment of silence along the way.

2. First bonfire on the beach. Thank God, they thought of making a bonfire. It keeps us warm while we wait for the sun to break. Next time, I will bring marshmallows.

San Juan, Batangas

3. First sunrise in the sea. I know it would be different from the other sunrise that I have seen. It was beautiful beyond words. 

4. First swim in the sea with no corals and stones. The reason why I did not go for a swim in the night is that they told us that it had no corals at all. I don’t trust myself to be safe on my own. Luckily, someone brought a floater so when the morning comes I was able to dip my body. It was knee – deep. When waves would hit me I do not panic. I even do some leg stretching. The only problem is the next item on the list.

5. First time to encounter jellyfishes. It would make sense. There were no corals for them to hide so they can swim or float all they want in the open sea. The problem is that they sting. We were avoiding them. After a quick stay in the water, my aunt declared that she was done swimming. My cousin and I decided to mingle where the crowd was. I found out that a jellyfish won’t bother you as long as you are not showing distress when you see them and if you lay perfectly still in your floater.

6.First time to leave footprints on a black sand beach. The sand is pure. My father said that it is good sand for building a house.
 San Juan, Batangas
San Juan, Batangas

 7. First time to sleep in different positions in an unfamiliar territory. A relief on my part. It means that I sleep well and I feel safe even though the door was open for the breeze to come in. Why wouldn’t I? My Ninong assured us that no one would harm us. Besides, the house is located in a family compound.

8. First time to watch a white cow graze in the backyard. When my inaanak (godchild) saw the cow he said, “Meee, meee.” Who wouldn’t be entertained by that?
San Juan, Batangas

How about you? What experiences have you experienced for the first time lately? Share it below.

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© Jhecel Ogtip
Maira Gall