01 March 2016

Chasing Sunrise

Chasing Sunrise

Sunrise for me symbolizes hope and a new beginning. It rejuvenates my soul. When its rays burst through the clouds, then to the trees, and unto my skin somehow I knew I am alive. I am alive along with my dreams, aspirations, and beauty. I can feel the heat. I’d sweat yes but still like all other goodness Mother Nature has I am in awe of its effect. Not only that, if we are looking, creatively above the high lands of a city minus the electric wires and messy roof we can witness something special unfolding.

You might ask, “What is it to me?”

Well, I do not know either.

I guess it is this unwritten relationship that we have since you are reading this blog, that we can tell each other what we love, what we hate, what we stand for, and so on. I’ve noticed it in the blogging industry. Not just in blogging but with life in general. We are bound to respect each other’s life and eventually if we feel like it – real interest we would start connecting, conversing on what similarities we have.

Yes, the similarities. In which, urge me to ask the question, “How do you feel about sunrise?”

Me? I would be willing to chase it. I have this idea that I should go back to the places that I have been. This time, I should be there to see the sunrise. I will chase the sunrise. Force myself to sleep early and to wake up early before it is over. I can recruit some of my friends if they are up to it. That would be fun!

Goody! I have just an interest with Japan.

By the way, I thought I’d show you a part of my city in time to chase the sunrise.



  1. holy crap, you just turned sunrise into a beautiful piece (first paragraph)
    One reason why I love blogging is your readers become your friends. Since we share our lives to each other, whether it's interesting or not, it feels like someone cares.


    1. Thanks Kandice! Holy crap is the most enthusiastic comment I've gotten here in my blog. :) You made my day.

      Yes, yes, yes! This is exactly what I mean - reason why I love blogging when I was typing those words above. You are my new friend! :)

  2. I love the sunrise! <3 Wherever I go, I make sure I wake up extra early so I don't miss it. The same goes for sunset. Though the sunset gives me this unexplained feeling of sadness, even during vacations. Idk why!

    Ochi | Ochi In The City

    1. When I first saw the sunset in Manila Bay I thought it is the best representation of a beautiful goodbye. It also makes me sad. I guess it is the irony of life.

  3. Beautiful post! Thank you for the kind comment on my blog, always trying to return the support!


    1. Thank you, Louise! I am happy you find time to visit my blog. :)


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Maira Gall