16 November 2017

Life Lately + Looking For Mr. Right

Being a bridesmaid needs agility.

There is no doubt that I am busy these days. I am trying my best to show up whenever I am wanted and needed. I am not usually home 24/7. I think my parents are getting used to my schedule.

 So life lately:

1.      I was a bridesmaid at my cousin's wedding.
2.      I participated in ANCOP’s Global Walk with my SFC family.
3.      I was appointed as a facilitator in this season of Christian Life Program.
4.      I finally had time to read books again.
5.      The weather is making me sick.
6.      Purchased notebooks so I can jot down writing ideas.
7.      Searching ideas on what to wear on our “Candy” themed company Christmas party.
8.      Sundays are for laundry and Singles For Christ activity.
9.      Less rice if possible.
10.  Living each day with hope, faith, and love.

Speaking of love, two of my friends that I met in SFC are getting married hence the conversation of looking for Mr. Right.  We take it as a joke but I know it is a serious issue we need to address. At some point, we are not getting younger. What we learned during our “funny conversation” is,  IN ORDER TO FIND MR. RIGHT. YOU HAVE TO BE MS. RIGHT FIRST. This is according to Bo Sanchez. Of course, we know that God knows what is best for us. We just have to wait sisters. Meanwhile, let us live this beautiful life.

How's life lately?


  1. It sounds like you have been very busy! I agree with you that you have to be Ms. Right. You have to learn to love and accept yourself for who you are. :)

    1. Yeah, we need to hone ourselves first so that we can find Mr. Right.


© Jhecel Ogtip
Maira Gall