07 January 2018

Things I am Afraid Of

 I am not sure where to begin.  I have to pause there. I am not lying I am just typing continuously until I come up with something. It’s been a while since I posted here in the blog or shall I say It’s been a while since have written, not even a complete paragraph. I am not sure.

There is something that is stopping me to continue. It’s pulling me back in everything that I try to do.  The period of self-doubt is happening again. The solution is to find out what the problem and acknowledge it.  There is a problem.

I am afraid:

1.      Publishing personal stories here on the blog.
2.      End up doing nothing.
3.      Losing my creative soul.
4.      Not having enough time.
5.      Staying single.
6.      Being sick.
7.      That people would stop being kind.
8.      That I would fail in my relationships.
9.      Of the changes that I am planning.
10.  Not having money when needed.

Yes! I acknowledge these. As for the reasons can I keep them with me?  I hope I can get over this period so I can go on. I hope you are not in the same phase as me. If you are, don't pretend to be okay. Acknowledge them and ASK HELP.

 I know, you and  I can always find ways to be better. Of course, God is always kind and amazing.

Photo by Verne Ho on Unsplash


  1. I'm afraid too. But life goes on and we have no choice but to deal with it. Appear to that! 🤗

  2. Thank you for that and your positivity GV. :-)

  3. I feel afraid a lot of times, too. But I always think about how short life is and if we don't do what makes us happy now, when are we going to start? Just jump right in. Think about why you're afraid and just let go. :D

    1. Little by little I am throwing all the fears. I've rekindled with the things that make me happy too. :-) Thanks for dropping by Christine.


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Maira Gall