07 April 2018

To A Brokenhearted Man

to a brokenhearted man

What wise words can we say to you?

It is always you who have something sensible to say. If it's not within ourselves, sometimes it is you who would remind us that everything is part of life and everything that we are going through shall pass. And, that every situation is only difficult in the beginning if we persevere.

You are broken. A part of your heart had been snatched in a very celebrated moment.

Perhaps you are broken to remind you that you have a strong support system. Your family that had always been there. Your friends that you can lean on in drunkenness and soberness; you said it so.

Perhaps you are broken to let you see that there is life without her.

Perhaps you are broken to remind you, "If today you hear His voice harden not your heart", and to teach you the virtue of forgiveness and humility.

We know it had been difficult.

No amount of comforting words can console you now. The pain is inevitable. Every song in the playlist same fitting.

We hope that after this you would still believe that whatever caused you pain is the only way for your healing. Trust that whatever is taken it will be returned ten folds.

May you not shun the girls.

May you not shun humanity.

May you not shun love.

Your Friends,
J & G

Photo by Kunj Parekh on Unsplash

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