26 September 2018

9 Reasons To Be Grateful

I would like to begin by saying that I am grateful that you are here.

These days so much had been going on with life and on this earth that we live in; so much that I am not watching the news in TV anymore unless I want to know the weather situation. Despite all of these I am surprised with myself that I am staying positive. I no longer complain if things did not go my way. It must have been the effect of my recent attendance at the Metro Manila Regional Conference of SFC. 

Positivity is really something. It makes me be grateful for what I am and what I have:

1.      The gift of family.  Family is home. It is where I always want to go back. Whenever I feel tired in day’s work and commitment it is where I want to be. My family is my anchor they keep me grounded. My family is my first love. They would understand why I am such in a bad mood and would not mind if I laugh so hard.   Then there is my SFC FAMILY. That’s why I try my best to keep them and give them a gift.  

2.      The gift of friendship. I love all my friends. I thank God for them. I missed the ones that are far and the ones that are near. We have a running joke that we are in a long distance relationship because life happens, that’s why.   

3.      Affirmations.   I appreciate people who try their best to speak well only to the person they talk to. Positive thoughts, good vibes – seeing the good in everything.

4.      Origami.   Recently I learned how to do the paper crane. It teaches me that what I thought that is difficult can be learned with patience and determination.  You just have to find the right person to teach you  

5.      I am sure what my talent is. DRUM ROLLS PLEASE.  And that is WRITING FICTION.  My!  Oh my!  Perhaps this skill comes naturally that’s why I have been ignoring it. What a fool had I been?

6.      Technology.  With the right usage overall technology helps to ease all my chores from the mundane to extraordinary. 

7.      Work.  My work is where get the food on the table. I am grateful I have one now. 

8.      Nature. Everything comes with nature from the food I eat to the clothes I wear, the medicines I drink, the perfume I wear, the beautiful sceneries, and of course, nature is an inspiration in my writing.

9.      I am a woman.  Yes!  I am a woman.  I have unique capabilities that I can develop and share within the community.  God could have created me something else. Thank goodness He didn’t.      

How about you? What are the things that make you grateful?

Photo by Cody Black on Unsplash

1 comment

  1. * I am just grateful that I still have my parents with me. I am not really that close to them but I wouldn't know what to do when they're gone.
    * my wife. She has been supportive (read: doesn't nag me) of my passion when I work on my website. She has been my partner, confidant and friend without being vocal about it. We both are not. But just being there is something to be grateful for.
    * my work. It has its ups and downs, but I am grateful that I have this. With this, I get to support my family and wife and still have the liberty to do what I love most.
    * lastly, I am grateful for what I have become. I am not perfect, but atleast I am still someone I could be proud of.


© Jhecel Ogtip
Maira Gall