17 August 2019

Love Letter To God

Father, where are you leading me?

I am confused. I am worried.

I am confused about what I will do next. There are many options but it is risky for me. I am confused if I am really for it.  I have been asking myself lately of my purpose here on earth.

They say something better is coming.

Yet, I have many worries.

I worry that I cannot provide for my family’s financial needs. I worry that I am being left behind; they are almost at the finish line while I am yet to begin.

I worry that I won’t be able to run to save my family and friends, let alone myself.

Most of all, I worried if the things that I say and do please you. Have I given it my all?

Still I am consoled by Your eternal love. You never abandoned your children. You always send  Your angels for help. I pray that I may always please you and that You’re my will be according to Your plan.

I trust you. I love you.

Your confused and worried daughter


  1. This article fits right in with our new theme this September.
    Remember that there is no such thing as a finish line. And if there is, the only race you have to concern yourself of is with yourself.

    1. I am still dealing with this battle within myself. I am grateful with my friends and the blogging community i inspiring me to move forward.


© Jhecel Ogtip
Maira Gall