24 May 2014


You have to give me some credit people; I am pretty much busy this past three weeks. I landed a job, and see how lucky I am, yesterday was our company’s outing. Seeing that summer is not yet over we were brought in a resort I always heard when I was in college. Ciudad Christhia Resort or 9 Waves is quite popular especially to all my classmates that are residing near Montalban and San Mateo, Rizal. The main attraction? Why of course, the waves. The waves that I really – really like to try but I cannot because of my monthly period.

You might think that I did not enjoy the day. Don’t you worry, I had fun. Instead of sitting at the pavilion I entertained myself by unleashing the photographer in me. I also found myself entertaining request of a photo with me. The main reason of having a company outing is to strengthen the bond of the employees. For a new face like me it is very helpful. I got to talk with the seniors without feeling that atmosphere in the work place.

It is nice that they decided to plant trees and flowers. J

The whole resort is surrounded of different artworks like these.

It is not allowed to bring knives or any sharp objects but look they have provided a cutting station.

One of the reasons I am comfortable working at my new job is the knowledge that some of my colleague from previous work is also here. I am talking about Ms. Jing (the one positioned in left) and Kuya Loy (whose photos are uploaded at my Facebook page). That’s Ma’am Ezra – HR Head/Advertising Manager at the right.

Some are enjoying the water slide.

Meet beautiful Daisy.

Outside, I found these birds tweeting.

At the One Stop Shop they are selling pure honey.

Directions I followed going to 9 Waves:
1.      Ride a jeep going to Marikina Tropical.
2.      Get off at Tropical (near Mc Do).
3.      Ride a jeep going to Montalban then, tell the driver or the “konduktor” to drop you off at 9 Waves.          

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© Jhecel Ogtip
Maira Gall