13 February 2015


48. Sunrise or sunset? Sunrise

I did it! I can’t believe I actually asked 100 random questions about myself and answered them.  This is a new series of one of the bloggers that I am following - Young Blood by Lois Baguio. To continue this challenge I am also tagging all of you who were able to read this whether you are a blogger or not. This challenge is an excuse to discover oneself.

1.      What is your birthstone?     Emerald
2.      Do you watch action movies?     Yes
3.      Do you go to auctions?      No
4.      Are you afraid of dark?      No
5.      Kapuso or Kapamilya?       Right now, Kapuso. It’s always changing.
6.      Do you play guitar?                         No
7.      Which instrument would you like to learn to play?       Piano
8.      Korean drama or Japanese drama?      Korean drama
9.      Do you wish you can fly?   Yes
10.  Are you a vegetarian?       No

11.  Do you dance in parties?  Only if there is dancing.
12.  Skirt or jeans?                       Jeans
13.  Hard bound books or e-book?     Both
14.  Have you traveled abroad?         Not yet
15.  Can you cook?                    Yes
16.  Do you plan to live in Mars? No
17.  Spongebob or Mr. Bean? Spongebob
18.  Pink or Blue?                                     Both
19.  Do you sleep with the lights on?   No
20.  What is your comfort food?           Yoghurt
21.   Are you angry right now?             No
22.  What languages can you speak?                        English and Filipino
23.  Do you eat street foods?   Yes
24.  Do you drink milk?   Only if it have something on it like coffee or chocolate.
25.  Do you like flowers?                        Yes
26.  What is your favorite movie?        Forrest Gump
27.  OPM or Pop?                        Both
28.  Do you dance in the shower?      Sometimes
29.  Do you wash your hair regularly?             No
30.  Orange or Apple?   Both
31.  Crayons or watercolor?     Crayons
32.  Do you know how to crochet?    No
33.  Eleanor and Park or The Fault in Our Stars?        Eleanor and Park
34.  Have you ever been to concerts?                      No
35.  What are you watching right now?         24 Oras
36.  Do you support peace talks?        Yes!
37.  Lefty or righty?         Righty
38.  Do you have a lucky number?     Yes
39.  Which school club did you enjoy the most during high school? Booklover’s Club
40.  MRT or LRT? LRT
41.  Are you a fan of Taylor Swift?       Yes
42.  What song did you last played?   Pompei by Bastille
43.  Have you experienced dejavu?  Yes
44.  Do you listen to myths?       Yes
45.  Doughnuts or pizza?                        Pizza
46.  When your jam is on in PUJ do you sing?                        Sometimes
47.  Candid shots or Formal Portraits?             Candid
48.  Sunrise            or sunset? Sunrise
49.  Biking or swimming?                        Neither
50.  Forest or sea?           Both
51.  Christmas or New Year?     Christmas
52.  Do you eat spicy food?      Yes
53.  Are you in Bloglovin’?         Yes
54.  Are you using Pinterest?     Yes
55.  Do you write in Wattpad?  Yes
56.  One Piece or Naruto?        Both
57.  Horror or Romance?                       Romance
58.  Do you read newspaper? Once in a while
59.  Picnic or trekking?               Trekking
60.  Do you cry in movies?        Yes
61.  Cake or ice cream?                       Ice cream
62.  Shaving or waxing?             Waxing
63.  Do you drink?                       No
64.  Can you whistle?                 No
65.  Are you wearing earrings right now?      No
66.  Do you go to public libraries?       Yes
67.  Are you in a diet?                No
68.  Do you want to fly a plane?          Yes
69.  Condo or townhouse?       Townhouse
70.  Hair band or pony tail?       Pony tail
71.  Which app are you curious but hesitant in trying?        Tinder
72.  Do you watch The Vampire Diaries?       Yes
73.  Scarf or necklace?             Scarf
74.  Have you read The Blood of Olympus by Rick Riordan?         Yes
75.  How many pillows do you use in sleeping?        Four
76.  Android or IOS?                   Android
77.  Do you think you can survive without the internet in five days?        Yes
78.  Do you support the advocacies of UNICEF, Greenpeace, and PAWS?      Yes
79.  Can you survive without TV?         No
80.  Which brand of shampoo are you using right now?    Dove
81.  Is your mum an AVON lady?         Occasionally
82.  Who sent your last text message?            My network provider.
83.   Eye shadow or lipstick?                 Lipstick
84.  Shoulder bag or sling bag?                       Sling bag
85.  Do you listen to The Carpenters? Yes
86.  Which book are you guilty of reading?   Fifty Shades of Grey
87.  Have you recited The Raven by Edgar Allan Poe?      No
88.  Facebook or Twitter?          Facebook
89.  Are you a ninja?      No
90.  Do you drink coffee?          Yes
91.  Arcade or Park?      Park
92.  Where do you want to go right now, in a ranch or farm?       Farm
93.  Cinderella or Snow White?                        Cinderella
94.  Are you following a blogger younger than you?          Yes
95.  Umbrella or raincoat?        Umbrella
96.  Pop corn or chips?  Both
97.  Bracelet or wristwatch?     Wristwatch
98.  Are you single?        Yes
99.  Europe or Asia?       Both
1100.    Grab a book near you then turn it to page 50 and write the first two sentences.
A few years later, on the very same palisade, Cahoon was searching for raven’s egg when he lost control of his ropes and tumbled to his death; his corpse hung above the waves before it could be retrieved. Ornithologist and Oologist magazine celebrated the fallen birder as both “a dead shot” and having “kind and joyous disposition.”

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