25 February 2015


            When I was in college I had experienced many things that sometimes I forget if it is part of the curriculum. It was those days that I become a believer of the saying, “Everything happens for a reason.”

            It happened this way. One day in my college life during my thesis group came in late for the next class because we had to print an article that had been revised by our adviser.  It so happened that the teacher for that next class and our thesis adviser is the same.

            When he saw our group he asked, “Why are you late?”
            One of us answered, “Sir, we were printing something for our thesis the one that you revised.”
            “But I am not asking for it today.”
            We became the center of attention at that time. I don’t know how I felt that time. Surely I was nervous because being late in one of his class means a consequence is on the way.
            Our teacher then asked, “What am I going to do with your group?”
            I did not respond. But I know in my mind I was smiling. I was like, “Bring it on.”
            He then said, “I’ll let this pass but in one condition. You will be producing a music video. That would be an entry for the upcoming 2nd MCS Festival. There are few entries anyway.”

            After brainstorming ideas we decided to call our group as F2F Production. It was taken from our thesis title which was the reason why we are doing it. Instead of complaining we found humor on it. We then picked a song by Regine Velasquez “Tuwing Umulan.” The roles were easily decided I was a production assistant.
            Our first location of shooting was at Ninoy Aquino Parks and Wildlife Center. It is a zoological and botanical garden with a lagoon. But we only saw few animals because according to the caretaker the other are being treated.
We were determined to finish it by that day but we decided that we needed another location. During the break I had an opportunity to take photos. We had fun pretending we are professional photographer. See photos below.
You know what? We won third place during the awarding ceremony. Despite having  a short period of doing the music video I am proud to say that we manage to surpass everyone’s expectation. 
Sitting near the lagoon.
 Ergie and Kerby
That's me and Grace near the entrance of Ninoy Aquino Parks and Wildlife Center

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© Jhecel Ogtip
Maira Gall