30 May 2015


            When I let my high school friend read my first entry here in my blog she told me that it was good and that it confirmed that I am a late bloomer. Not knowing what a late bloomer is, I reread the article that I sent her hoping that I can get a clue on what the word means.  But I did not. In which I consulted Wikipedia, oddly enough it exists. Late bloomers, I have learned are people whose talents and capacities are not visible to others until later than usual.

            On questions about my talents and capacities, I am still enhancing them and figuring out what else is my purpose here in the universe. Hence the confessions:

1.      I first thought of naming this blog as Confessions of Late Bloomer but then I crossed it out because I won’t be making personal posts here often or more confessions of my life here.

2.      Before I continue I’d like to tell you that I am thinking all the consequences of this article would bring. What if my future employee and/or clients see this? What would my friends think of me?
3.      My high school crush is still my ultimate crush. My friends told me to get over him but what can I do? I never met anyone similar or higher to his personalities.
4.      If ever you see me staring blankly I’d probably writing a poem in my head.
5.      If you caught me staring at you and you are wearing a graphic tee please do not mind me because I am digesting what is written on it.
6.      I love talking to people stranger or not. If the person sitting to me is not a snob we can talk about the weather then whatever comes.
7.      If I can avoid it I don’t like arguing specially if it is about politics and religion.
8.      My favorite mythical love story is Cupid and Psyche.
9.      I never had a boyfriend.
10.  I refused to learn how to put make –up so when I needed it the most I have experienced the consequence.
11.  When I was in high school I almost get drowned. That is why I am pursuing to learn how to swim.
12.  Lately I have affirmed the power of positive thinking and the ultimate power of prayers.
13.  When I was I child I wish that people can read my mind so I don’t have to explain myself to them.
14.  I balter.
15.  I believe in destiny and forever. I believe that there are people who are destined to be a part of our life, some just a bit shorter and our encounters complete the cycle of our life and the entire universe. I believe that there is God and His love is forever.

Image source: Stocksnap


  1. Sometimes I also think I'm a late bloomer because my progress in life is slower compared to normal people. I don't know if this is because of my bipolar disorder or it's just me. Either way, it leaves a bitter taste in my mouth. Haha! I really like these facts about you, especially the one about not liking arguments because I can relate to that! I tend to avoid arguments as much as possible even though I have a lot of ideas and all that jazz probably because I've been bullied countless of times. Hahaha! *sigh*

    Roxanne ♥ | Awkward Turtle

    1. I'm glad you like what I've shared. Let us not be in a hurry in life (as late bloomers) just because almost everyone is experiencing things and already knows what they are good at. Who knows, what we might develop.


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Maira Gall