20 August 2015


            The second school year of Cornerstone in Inuman Elementary School had started. It is the same place like last year with ate Tin and Kuya Cons as our team leader.

As of writing this, two sessions have been conducted. But prior to we helped in repainting the classrooms and there had been a meeting on a local eatery which was attended by some of the new members of the SFC community.

05 August 2015

Project Happiness: From the Romans


Before this day ends I am leaving you this verse from Romans 12:2. Now, I don’t know about your religion or beliefs but I believe that all of us can learn from each other’s world or culture.

In case you are overwhelmed of what is happening in your life. In case you are confused I hope that you will be enlightened through this. I admit, I am still thinking of the best and clear interpretation of this verse but what I know is that it makes me happy reading this. It is like reminding me of something I cannot ignore.

To be frank, posting this makes me happy too, even though I have a little to say.  I hope that you too can do things that make you happy as long as it is legal.

04 August 2015


            No man is an island. No matter how accomplished we are, we have to admit that we need help from all the people we know and from those we didn’t know. Admit it or not, we need someone to survive this challenging world. We cannot isolate ourselves from other people. As it matters, unconsciously we build friendship. It is not important if we won’t remember how we exactly met a certain person as long as we remember how that person has become an inspiration to us. And, if fate separates us with that person at least we hold on to something worth remembering and joyful.

© Jhecel Ogtip
Maira Gall