24 September 2014


Waiting for my turn at window two
I hear your voice despite the noise
Curious, I look around
There you are with your red shirt and a new hair color

Must be your senses
You caught me gazing at you
I pretend I was not looking
But you don’t mind at all

Down the town later that day
Though it was cloudy
Nothing to be happy
You offered a high five
   and next was a buddy punch

Lord! I can’t help it
Scream to the world
It was special
The best of every Tuesday
The best of everyday
It was one of the best days of my heart

On my way out at the town’s Beer Feast
I took the exit at the west
  which I happen to pass the less                                                       
Lucky me because there you are
  with your black stripes tee
  and a new shoe polish
  holding a mug of beer

I am with no fear
Scream up to the last air
It was one of the best days of my heart
The best of everyday
The best of every Thursday

The best days of my heart

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© Jhecel Ogtip
Maira Gall