17 September 2014


The extra pen is in my bag.
If you are a first time job seeker here are few things that you need to prepare before you land that job interview.

1.      The original copy and photocopies of your school diploma, Transcript of Records (TOR), NSO Birth Certificate, certificate of the seminars that you have attended, and the awards that you  have received in school or in the organization where you are a member. You will need these documents to support the data that you will enter in your resume.

2.      The valid I.D.’s are SSS I.D., passport, voter’s I.D., driver’s license, postal I.D. Getting them will take months aside from the postal I.D. that will give you a week. All building securities will ask for an identification card before they give you a pass in the entrance. So it is better that you get your valid identification card, at least two of them.

3.      Your character references and their contact details. This one is tricky. If you know someone that is working in the company that you are aiming write down his name. But make sure that you ask permission, this works to anyone that you will put them as your character reference. When asking permission mention the name of the company and the position that you are applying. Some companies want three to five people.

4.      The clothes that you will wear. After doing some research and based on my experience the corporate attire is the safe way to ensemble if you have interview. For the ladies be sure that you have a make –up, and for the guys make sure that your hair is not messy.

5.      Two black pens and a notebook. Do not forget two bring writing materials, I suggest that you bring two pens in case the one run out of ink. There will be forms to fill up and sometimes an exam to answer.

6.      Your research about the company and the position you are applying. Make sure that you know the important facts. The complete name of the company and its industry. Be prepared to the questions like, “How do you found out that we have a vacant position?”

7.      Lastly, your resume. Makes sure that you are writing the real facts. Then, edit it thoroughly and let other people check your resume.

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Maira Gall