25 September 2014


CFC Singles For Christ

Everything happens for a reason. And there is no superior feeling if you know and positively sure that love is the reason.

While I am waiting to get back to working society I have decided to grow spiritually by joining CFC Singles For Christ. If I am working now I won’t find the time to attend meetings. Clearly, my priority will be work.  I have been a member for months now. If I have a permanent job (I hope I’ll have before the year ends) I will make sure to keep the balance.

One of the activities of being a member of the community is what we called “HOUSEHOLD”. Members are divided into smaller groups so that we can be closer to one another. Twice a month, we met in the house of the member that is hosting our worship, sharing, and teachings. I am so blessed that I have found this community. Aside from building a stronger relationship with God there is a good friendship that slowly molding. 

Also I get to learn new songs - songs of worship that will strike through your heart.  In particular, Love One Another, the message is straightforward. Right now I am having a  last song syndrome (LSS). It is like a very important reminder for all of us.

There is no other way to be okay than letting love reign in our life. Do I need to explain this further?  The word itself is so powerful. The answer is love.

Love yourself. Love one another. Love God.

Remember it is the intangible things that are worth living for.

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© Jhecel Ogtip
Maira Gall