28 October 2014


         My style is not to conform but to transform. But I make sure that I follow my golden rule in dressing up.

         And that golden rule is: I'd rather wear local brands than fake brands. That is why when I shop for clothes I should have eaten first and a half day should be reserve in my calendar. Because when I hit the mall and have no specific style in mind I am going in and out from boutiques to tiangges. If I had someone with me, specially if she is one of my girl friends, she will have to endure with me. While we walk we utilize the time to chat.

            My guidelines in buying clothes:
  • It should not be a fake brand.
  • It should cover my budget.
  • The dress should have no damage. You know what I mean - complete buttons, fixed zippers and no stains.
  • I have to check the size. Other brands small (S) size is big for me. As explained by one of the sales lady it is because other brands use American size.
  • The color should compliment with the shoes and bag that I own. If not see the next guideline.
  • The style should be comfortable and can be wore in many occasions.
  • Ask the opinion of my companion if I have one with me.
  • Before trying the clothes I make sure to double check the price. I might be loving it but I don't want to sacrifice my money.
  • If I am buying in a tiangge I will bargain the price. I'm like, "Lower please."

          As I grow I found out what brands and styles I like. I know what would fit in my body. My mother would always say that I have a weird style because I pick designs that are not so common. That's what I love about fashion sometimes you get to make yourself a living art.

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© Jhecel Ogtip
Maira Gall