09 October 2014


Angel Bautista

Last May 2012, (Yup! You read it right.) I have attended a seminar/workshop that was organized by one of the leading publisher of Tagalog pocketbooks – Precious Hearts Romances (PHR). It’s office is located at Sgt. Rivera, Quezon City. It is a long way from home but definitely worth it.

It was a life time opportunity that every aspiring romance writer would grab. There I met different kind of people. Majority of the attendees were females, who were the same age with me. They have different stories on why they landed on the workshop.

Also, I met Ms. Angel Bautista one of the successful writer of PHR. She is the author of “Once A Princess” which was brought to life in cinemas.  She talked about her inspirations on writing a story. She gave great advice, “For every reader who does not like your style you will find who does so just keep on writing.”

I can say that my seatmate during the session stands out. She was the oldest among us. She told us that she really wants to be a writer. Oh, and let us not forget that she is a big fan of PHR. So she ended up listening with the talks with us instead of being in the culinary school her family thought where she was at that time. Even though she crafted an alibi just to be there, I am inspired by her choices. I mean writing is her passion and she fights for it. To make things interesting; she holds a high position in a government office.

Writing is my first love, my supreme passion.

Now that I am recalling things that I should have done I am motivated by this little step that I have made.

You should know that I did not turn in my final manuscript which was needed in order to get the Certificate of Attendance. I had lame excuses: 1. I cannot concentrate because of work pressure.  2. I do not own a laptop. I have nothing to type my story. I bet you agreed that those were lame excuses.

But hey, I’ve learned my lessons. I’ve come home to my first love – writing. And, if ever there are workshops nearby I am definitely going.

 Sgt. RiveraPHR workshop

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