07 November 2014


Hello!  Today, I am sharing the recent photos of cats that I have captured. I have been reading photography tutorials for almost a year.  And, I have been so inspired. Aside from writing, photography is one of my passion and identity. One of the tips that lead me to pursue photography is: “You should not only read photography tips. You should exercise what you have been reading. Show yourself what you have learned.”

 These cats are always available as subjects. They loved the camera. They are always ready but sometimes moody. The first photo is the newest addition to the cats (aside from our pet cats) that I photographed.
I have learned some tips in photographing a cat. Cats are easy to work with. J Candid shots are there game but if you had enough just try to get their attention (it is an advantage if you know their name) by saying, “Ming, ming, or here kitty – kitty.

CAMERA USED: Samsung GT S5-300

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© Jhecel Ogtip
Maira Gall