24 November 2014



This may seem early for everyone - a month and a week before the year ends for doing a list for resolutions. I never really consider them as resolutions. They are my motivation. They are my 2015 agenda.

1.      Have a permanent job. Pronto.
2.      Accomplish blog plans.
3.      Write at least one story in Wattpad.
4.      Learn how to arrange flowers.
5.      Learn how to ride a bike.
6.      Do not forget to drink eight glasses of water.
7.      Read fifteen non – fiction books.
8.      Re – launch Sari – sari by Jhecel.
9.      Restyle my hair.
10.  Remember important dates: birthdays, death anniversaries, reunions and meet – ups.
11.  Take the Civil Service Exam.
12.  Get a passport.
13.  Check the status of my SSS, PhilHealth and Pag – IBIG membership.
14.  Connect with old friends.
15.  Home makeover: Kitchen cabinet and drawers.
16.  Plant a tree.
17.  Learn to cook new dishes.
18.  Don’t give up on my spiritual battle.
19.  Update my wardrobe.
20.  Start writing a journal exactly at January 1, 2015.

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© Jhecel Ogtip
Maira Gall