30 December 2014


            Remember in my post entitled Swing Day I said that I took photos of the scenery of the place – Blue Mountains where we are supposed to jog but we end up enjoying the swing? Well, here they are.
            I am not sure what would be a perfect term for such moment that is currently unfolding. I feel giddy of the idea that it was my first time enjoying an early morning. In one spot in Antipolo that is so near my place I have witnessed dawn in a cold Saturday transformed into a warm sunrise.
            It said that you can see the best sunset in the Philippines which is in Manila Bay. But after my experience I realize that the Philippines can also give us sunrise that we are going to enjoy we just have to know where to look. We just have to be patient to appreciate every beauty it can give.
            I just had an idea; I will add seeing different sunrise in my 2015 Agenda - my New Year’s Resolution. I bet it would be fun.   In the meantime, I wish you a HAPPY NEW YEAR! I hope you would still drop by here in my blog. And, if you have comments or good suggestions for Koshe please feel free to message me or leave me an e-mail at jhecelogtip@gmail.com. I’d love to hear from my readers. I don’t bite.


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© Jhecel Ogtip
Maira Gall