10 December 2014



A Christmas party for the tutees of Cornerstone Inuman Elementary School was sponsored by SMHS IV – Einstein Batch ’93 last Saturday December 6, 2014.

            The excitement for the Christmas party started when ate Tin and kuya Cons – the team leaders asked the tutees to write down their Christmas wishes. Some wished for simple things a kid would want, new shoes, bags, toys, and food for their Noche Buena. The all time favorite spaghetti was popular among the kid’s list. Some wished like how an adult person would wish. They were straight forward on what their family need like a house and lot and a swimming pool.
            When Ms. Wena’s team arrived the kids were curious on what was going to happen. Perhaps, they got suspicious when none of the YFC (Youth For Christ) members arrived. Before we have the tutorials they have a session with YFC for Values Formation. Also, they were in a different room. They were making an excuse to go to the comfort room even though they really don’t need to pee. They gave me that puppy look, “Mag CR po ako” (I need to go to the comfort room).
            According to Ms. Wena, SMHS IV – Einstein Batch ’93 , have been doing an outreach program for more than a year now. They were happy to share their blessings to others especially to the kids.
            The tutees were clearly excited when they entered the room that was prepared for the Christmas party. Each of them was given a party hat and a name tag. I was convinced that they read the Christmas wish made by the tutees because the gifts were wrapped with an individual gift card bearing the name of the tutees. They were in different sizes too. I wonder what they give for the tutees that asked for house and lot.
It started with a prayer lead by one of the tutees. There were games and a magic show performed by a clown. The games were: 1. Bring Me, 2. Pass the gift (As per my understanding on how the game was played). 3. Say Merry Christmas without Breathing. The tutees were entertained by the tricks that were showed by the clown who insisted that he is John Loyd Cruz but the tutees did not agree with him. J J
Special prizes were given to the Top Ten tutees, Most Perfect Attendance, Most Neat, and for Julian for his perseverance and determination. I nominated Jullian for his award because whenever he is called to stand up and asked to read he never said he can’t even though we know that he find it difficult to read. He never complains that he cannot do a certain thing. He always tries unlike other kids (tutees).
As usual Regie Boy, one of the three the kid that I am tutoring, was a favorite during the party. Regie let his charm work. He participated in the game Say Merry Christmas without Breathing. (In case you did not know it’s like this, Merry Christmaaaaaaass! You say the word Merry Christmas without breathing. The one who says it the longest will be declared as the winner). Regie did not win since he only did it for six seconds. The person he is supposed to beat holds a record of thirteen seconds. But he got the same award same as the winner. Haha.
Last December sixth a meaningful event happened. That is why I can’t help to take photos. 
 Big hug after the sponsors received the thank you card from the tutees.
 The IV-Einstein team checking out the thank you card.
SMHS IV-Einstein Batch ’93 together with the top ten and other awardees.
Like Lorenz, the tutees received a lot of gifts too.
 This is Julian receiving his gifts.
Regie Boy stopped for a quick photo. The person with him is also named Regie.
 The tutees and I with their party hats after the gift – giving.
 SMHS IV-Einstein Batch ’93 together with the Cornerstone team.
 The clown while performing.
These are the gifts and prizes during the event.

Again, in behalf of the Cornerstone Inuman team together with the tutees, we would like to thank SMHS IV – Einstein Batch ’93 for the resources, time, and love that you have shared.

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