19 January 2015


Xam Jacob look over at Ramil's selected book.
             Cornerstone was supposed to resume last January 10 but it was cancelled due to activities that are happening within the CFC community.

            We came back last January 17, Saturday after Christmas break with little attendance. I’ve arrived late for some personal reason. The kids were already being reviewed of the English alphabet. They were asked to give example of words that start with every alphabet. I have noticed the tutees (kids) that were not participating before the break are eager in raising their hands to answer. Some of the words they gave were taught to them. I hope that it is a sign that they are really learning from us. 
            They were also reminded to study at home since the Moving Up or graduation is near which will happen this March.
            They were given books to read at their home. The books were donated by one of the member of the community. After they received their book they immediately open it and look in the content. 

Thank you for the books! J

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Maira Gall