11 January 2015


            What I like about this top is the vibes of happiness. See the different colors of little flowers? Also, this matches in any jeans that I own. It is perfect for a tropical country like Philippines.

            Like little flowers we are all bursting with beauty and joy. Share joy and be positive with your life.
This Sunday, I had a companion on going to church. My niece (my cousin’s daughter) will be celebrating her twelfth birthday tomorrow so she asked that I take her with me when I attend the Sunday mass. I admire her for not forgetting to give thanks as a new year is added to her life. She’s the one who took my photos. I have to say the girl has talent.
Let me add a quick excitement. I am excited for the papal visit. In fact, I had a photo with a standee of Pope Francis that is provided in the church. How about you how excited are you?

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Maira Gall