07 January 2015

I #BlogWithNuffnang

My 2015 Agenda includes accomplishing my blog plans. Having my own domain is one of them. I must admit, that it is the very least of my priority since I am still unemployed. But on the lighter side of this agenda is that I am starting to save money from my home allowance into the coin bank that I received as a Christmas present.

            But maybe I don’t have to wait until that coin bank is full and I don’t have to look for cheaper deals on buying a blog domain. It is because Nuffnang, a blogging advertising community, is giving me a hope through its blog contest that I will have it this year. A person who have seen hope will always be inspired and motivated to continue his goals. Right now I am that person. How can I not love Nuffnang? Aside from that Nuffnang let newbie bloggers like me connect and interact with each other. It also keeps me updated on what is happening in the blogging community. It serves as my agent as a Media Planner, Media Buyer, and as an Account Executive. By these it motivates me to write good content so I can book advertisements.
            Why would I deserve to win? That my dearest deserves a straightforward answer, I need to win in this contest in order to speed up my goals. It will help me concentrate in accomplishing my other agenda. I bet good surprises will follow.

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© Jhecel Ogtip
Maira Gall