13 January 2015


(Photo Source: Reymond Pagatpat)

            Last Sunday, SFC the community that I belong had a chapter assembly. It is the first for this year.
            As per my understanding and based on the explanation of my head, Chapter Assembly is a gathering of all the members of SFC within a month to share what had happened with the member’s and how being with SFC helped everyone with their relationship with God and with the community. It was my first time to stand up and talk about myself. The topic was the highlight of the year 2014 and what we have learned. I talk about the challenges that I encounter and what I realize – God is teaching me.
            This year’s theme was also announced in the assembly which is Love More. Along with this we are encouraged to: 1. Build relationship with CFC Family Ministries they are the Kids For Christ (KFC), Youth For Christ (YFC), Singles For Christ (SFC), Couples For Christ (SFC), Handmaids of the Lord (HOLD), and Servants of the Lord (SOLD). 2. Grow relationships. 3. Celebrate relationships.
            We are also reminded of the norms that we must follow. On top of the list is to use social media responsible. As an active blogger and enthusiast of social media I promised to be more careful and to be more responsible on everything that I posts especially here in my blog. I had to admit that this adds to my limitations but it is good. Some limitations keep me away from the bad influence of this modern world. They keep me focused and motivated to have the balance in life that I want – socially, spiritually, and everything.

            Upcoming events in the community were also announced:
·         January 25, 2015 - Sector kick – off
·         February 14, 2015 – COC
·         April – Start of CLP

Learn more about Singles For Christ here.


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© Jhecel Ogtip
Maira Gall