24 February 2016

Blackout Poetry Vol. 1


I found out about blackout poetry when I was searching for ways how to overcome writer’s block.  True enough, it eases the struggle but in the beginning, it was not easy. All the words that I read in a book are screaming to me, “Choose me! Choose me!”  Finally, I was able to comprehend Attractive Annie and Life.

19 February 2016

Never Have I Ever


Somebody told me that one should not despair on the things that I cannot do rather one should focus on enhancing what he is capable of doing. Do you agree? But sometimes we have to tell our “never have I ever” lists.  Who knows there might be people who are willing to help?

15 February 2016

Quotes: The Curious Case of Benjamin Button


"You never know what's coming for you."

09 February 2016

The Happy List // 4


Last year I have noticed that I have been publishing melancholy letters and thoughts in my blog and on my social media accounts. I have found out that it was not healthy. To remedy everything, The Happy List series is back!

1.      I’ve noticed that I am less pessimistic these days.
2.      My father started his new job or shall I say project today.
3.      The weather is breezy.
4.      My cousin’s daughter was baptized last Sunday.
5.      Flowers and fog.
6.      Blog post ideas are instantly coming.
7.      Smooth flowing Cornerstone sessions.
8.      Discovering awesome blogs to read and follow.
9.      I am alive and healthy.
10.  Walking in Divisoria (a flea market here in PH) with no hustle at all.
11.  Pink dolls.
12.  I’ve restored my ebook.
13.  Catching up with the new episodes of The Vampire Diaries and Supergirl.

How about you? What makes you happy these days?

08 February 2016

Hey Pessimist!

Hey Pessimist, you have to stop!

Today you woke up. Isn’t it a miracle? Your heart did not stop beating even for a second. The earth continues to rotate on its axis, and the sun is setting in the other side. Somewhere in someone’s wild garden a Morning Glory is starting to bloom even if it is partly cloudy.
© Jhecel Ogtip
Maira Gall