01 December 2017

His Favorite Girl

Ole! Ole!  A la la la la la la la la.

I can’t find the right description. Oh right!

My best friend has found his new favorite girl.  

I knew he had because he no longer calls at midnight. He no longer asks if I’ve arrived safely at work. He no longer teases me with my fandom with Korean dramas. He no longer practices archery with me.

I knew he had. This happened before. Usually, he would not show up for a week but it had been a month now.

16 November 2017

Life Lately + Looking For Mr. Right

Being a bridesmaid needs agility.

There is no doubt that I am busy these days. I am trying my best to show up whenever I am wanted and needed. I am not usually home 24/7. I think my parents are getting used to my schedule.

 So life lately:

01 October 2017

To That Guy Who Stopped Asking When

I regretted it.

The very first day you said hello I should have been wise with my answer. I should have asked you directly about your intention.

I panicked thinking all about the possibilities. Then I was afraid that you would never see me again after. Insecurities sink through. I doubted myself. I keep on asking why it was you and not him. Why it was not the person that I like. Why you of all people?

When you stopped asking when the question I had intensified.

Now it felt awkward whenever I see you online. I can't say hi.

I blamed myself for expecting too much. We never had the chance to be acquainted. 

I think, at that time, we were two souls trying to look for possibilities. I was taking my time and you were impatient.

My friends said that you were asking about me. They said that you are coming home again this year.

What are we going to do when we see each other?

10 May 2017

The Happy List // 5

It is almost 5 am.  I woke up sweaty because of the heat. It is really summer. While some are enjoying their vacation. I am eating for breakfast to leave for work. I feel bad not being around often. So I figured I do a quick happy list. 

1. Work location.
2.  Conversations.
3. Getting involved in a prenup photo shoot. It's the thing I want to do!  My former household head in SFC is getting married. The schedule has been reset due to bad weather. Last Saturday it finally happened.
4. Short stories. I finally finished the short story that I have been writing for a month. You may read it here.
5. Korean Drama and The Return of Superman
6.100 Likes. The official Facebook page of this blog has reached a milestone. The photo project in the page under #EverydayWithKoshe has been going on.
7. My brother got married.
8. I almost had a date.
9. People at work is easy to work with.
10. Reading blogs.

How about you guys what have you been up to?

24 February 2017

Ex - Lovers

Circumstances separated both of them.

He feels bad that he keep her waiting on date night. His family needed him the most at that time. He loves her so much that he cannot bear to see her lonely.

29 January 2017

What Have I Become?

Last December a photo of my college graduation appeared on my Facebook timeline. It has been five years since, and as for high school graduation it would be ten years this 2017.

Looking back I never put much thought of what will I become. The main goal was to graduate and get a job after. I don't have specific plans. Unlike to some of my friends, who I think, figured out their plans earlier. I keep thinking that I am waiting for things to happen. Now, I ask myself after waiting without concrete actions and plans, "What have I become?" Maybe going with the flow should have not taken hundred percent seriously.

© Jhecel Ogtip
Maira Gall