07 April 2015


             The original plan was to enjoy an afternoon in Marikina Riverbanks Center with the Cornerstone team. But since some arrived past the agreed time we started our activity when the day turned night. It was okay. I understand because everyone has something else going on with their lives. I consider myself lucky of having plenty of time to spare. Honestly time is one thing I have one right now. Money? Definitely nothing.

 Look how peaceful the moon that night.

            There was a Barbecue Festival going on that Saturday. A local band was playing on stage while the audience enjoyed the food. They came in groups, family, friends, lovers, and team. Obviously we are a team! Some were having a picnic, enjoying games, and the others were just sitting to pass the time. It was all happening while we are deciding on what activities we are going to do.
            Activities available at Marikina Riverbanks Center are biking, fish spa, paddle boating, and of course, picnic. We never do any of these. So guess what we did instead? Yeah, we eat dinner and afterwards we had a small group talk.
            We shared our experienced during the Cornerstone program in Inuman Elementary School.  We were asked on how volunteering in Cornerstone had helped us grow spiritually. It had been a good journey for me. I shared that I have come to accept on what I can do.
            It had been a night of laughter. So, there were no good photos but memorable. J
     Want to be a part of the next Cornerstone Program in Inuman Elementary School? Drop me an e-mail or comment below. I’ll get back to you as soon as I can. Thank you! 

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© Jhecel Ogtip
Maira Gall