09 March 2015


Kuya Cons is reviewing the tutees before the evaluation.

            The Cornerstone program in Inuman Elementary school is near its culmination. But before we say goodbye to the tutees – the first batch in the said school we need to know the progress of the tutees.

            Last Saturday we evaluated the tutees in their reading skills from the basic alphabet to dolch. The test also aims to know if the tutees reading comprehension have improved.
            When I arrived, Kuya Cons was already in the other room reviewing the tutees. He used his laptop as his visual. Trust kuya Cons to find the creative teaching material. He always sees to it that the tutees will never get bored. From what I understand they were reviewing the dolch words. Their review involves some clapping and stomping either on the desks or in the body.
            The final evaluation was similar to the exam given the first so we already know what to prepare. Every tutor has a box of crayons, pencil, and an eraser. The whole process of the evaluation was okay. I never expect it to be easy for the tutees but some find it easy. They were what we called the fast learners. There is this one kid that I handled on that did okay. Although I can tell that he is not one of the fast learners but he showed fine progress that was beyond my expectations.
            That moment I was thinking if only there were enough tutors perhaps we can concentrate one tutee every session. Their teachers and parents would be amazed and surprised.  They will immediately see the result. The whole school community would see how Cornerstone is very helpful. Nevertheless, I have seen the tutees' improvement not only in reading but also in values formation and I bet the school noticed specially their teachers.
            I am so happy to be involved in this Cornerstone program. It makes me appreciate the teachers more. I salute all the teachers out there. You guys rock! J J
The materials that were used during the evaluation.
 Irish, Nica, and Michelle
 Some of the tutors.

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