23 March 2015


The Cornerstone Program in Inuman Elementary School for school year 2014 -2015 has ended. Last March 21, 2015 a Moving Up ceremony was held in the school ground of the said school. It was attended by the different ministries of Couples For Christ, and the parents of the tutees.

            Moving Up is similar to Recognition Day. It is being done in order to recognize the tutees that have improved, to showcase how they have improved, and the way I saw the event, it was also a way of showing gratitude to those who get themselves involve by devoting there time, talent, and treasure in the whole Cornerstone program.
 Team Little Red Hen
Team Cow

       The tutees show – off by reading a story entitled “The Little Hen”. It was a story who found wheat of sack t who asked helped from her friends from planting to baking it when she finally harvested the wheat but no one helped her. You would not understand our joy the time when the tutees were reading the story. It is because we have seen how much they have improved. As ate Tin put it, it was an ambitious attempt for us. But hey, they show good reading skills during their presentation.
            We practiced reading the story for one day only. Incidentally I was Team Red Hen. See that cute girls wearing crown they are the little hen reading its dialogue. I am supposed to make a mask from the pattern I found in Pinterest but when I try it on myself it was too small. 
The Achievers
 Julian received the Good Samaritan award.
 Tita Shirley, Teacher Grace, and kuya Jeio

            When the ribbons were being given to the tutees I have seen how proud their parents are. I was too specially when one of the tutees I have handled was called in front and was awarded as one of the most improved tutees. Certificate of Recognition was also given to the school principal and to teacher Grace who was the school coordinator.
            The tutors were also recognized that day. I never thought of it but I got the Best Tutor award. I do not know what the bases are but I felt proud of myself that day. J Thank you Cornerstone family!
              The program ended early. I expected that we would wrap up around 2 pm. Of course the tutees had received gifts from various sponsors. They were given a bag with school supplies, soap, and a temperature kit. 
 The ever patient tutors.

 Want to be a part of next Cornerstone program? Yes! Just comment below and I will respond as soon as I can.

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Maira Gall