17 June 2015


           Although I have been busy for the past days I never forget about this space in the blogging community. Expect the following posts in here to be anecdotes of my experiences and some trinkets that I found. Let me start with the food. What can I say, I girl got to eat.

            Gallery Grey offers variety of food and other businesses. This was introduced to me by new boss – Mr. Ben Fuentes (I’ll tell you guys more about my new career in a separate post. So we can focus on the food.) J 

              So what kind of food does Gallery Grey have to offer us? They have Oatmel Chewies and Paella. 

Oatmeal Chewies

Oatmeal Chewies are made with Hershey’s chocolate chips. 
Ben's Paella

             I never eat Paella in my whole life. I guess that day is coming soon. Craving to satisfy your tummy?      
 You can order Paella and Oatmeal Chewies here. 



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Maira Gall