27 December 2015

Free writing


I am sad, more like regret.

Nothing serious is coming out. Look what I have written here. Nonsense blah blah. What should I do? But I think this is nonsense at all. This very notion of writing of whatever comes to mind actually calms me. I like the feeling, actually even though I pause to remember the correct spelling of a word or try to go back to put a punctuation mark. I like this! I like how my mind slowly becomes at ease.

I guess it is the pleasure of accomplishing something that makes this free writing sensible.

I admit I am disappointed with myself if I have not done anything useful done. I’m used on finishing projects. I’m used of coming home late. Yet, my parents won’t complain because they know I am getting something. I am learning when I am still in school. I was earning money when I had still a decent job. But now, when I go out late they would think that I get nothing.

But I do!

I am getting something. I have not told them that I was actually ticking an item in my bucket list, by doing it. Like free writing you get nothing accurate. You get nothing serious. You don’t know how the whole article will be about much more like how it will end. Even if you decide to delete it after, what you get is a sense of peace and accomplishment within yourself. Just like doing things that would not make to your resume.

It is like that.

I may not please everyone including my parents but hey! I please myself before anyone else. I will deal with the consequences when I cross the bridge.

19 December 2015

Cornerstone Diary: 2015's Christmas Party Highlights

CORNERSTONE in Inuman Elementary School

It had been two weeks since the Christmas party of Cornerstone. It was super fun! My level of excitement was the same as the excitement that the kids had that day. Who wouldn’t? There were games, gifts, great food, and surprises.

08 December 2015

A Letter from The Abandoned Chairs

A Letter From The Abandoned Chairs by Jhecel

We humbly request that we may be moved to a safer place.  We feel that robbers would come to us anytime. Aside from that we feel that we are useless here.

06 December 2015

A Letter To A Dead Friend

Dear Val,

I miss you.

I’m sorry if my way of remembering you is opposite to what is supposed to be done. I’m writing to tell you of my misfortunes. I failed again. As I write this I am feeling so afraid. Really – really afraid mostly with myself. I don’t trust my instinct anymore. I lost my drive to keep on moving. I forgot that I can get up on my own if ever I stumble. I forgot that I have two hands that I can use to balance my body before my face hit the ground should I accidentally fall.

05 December 2015

Cornerstone Diary: A Minion Invades Us!

CORNERSTONE in Inuman Elementary School

A minion invades us! Well, sort of.

04 December 2015

Friday's 10 Happy Things Vol. 1

Hello, Friday! I’m finally joining Helga’s blog link-up. This is similar to Happy List the only difference is I/we post things that made us happy in the week that happened every Friday. I hope I can cope up. J

03 December 2015

Why I Blog

Let me share my blogging story and the rules that I follow before I click the publish button. As I write this I am attempting to understand within myself, “Why I blog?” It is my hope that my reasons would make sense to you whether you are a blogger or not.
© Jhecel Ogtip
Maira Gall