04 December 2015

Friday's 10 Happy Things Vol. 1

Hello, Friday! I’m finally joining Helga’s blog link-up. This is similar to Happy List the only difference is I/we post things that made us happy in the week that happened every Friday. I hope I can cope up. J

1.      Meeting cute cousins on my uncle’s birthday celebration.
2.    Tasting wine without feeling guilty. I sip a good tasting wine in front of the adults. They even encourage me to try more, but I refused because I have a low tolerance in alcohol.
I love the view from my uncle's rooftop. I'm still obsessed with the sky.
3.  I have finished reading “How to Find Your One True Love” by Bo Sanchez. I borrowed it from a friend in the SFC community. I am planning on sharing my thoughts about it here in Koshe.
4.    Speaking of SFC, thank God, I was able to attend our household meeting.
5.      My Monday was very productive.
6.      Discovering new blogs to read at Bloglist and Listenup.
7.      Today’s “The Vampire Diaries” episode
8.      This post on my Instagram account.
9.      My aunt finally has her own copy of the Reader’s Digest December issue with Alden Richards and Maine Mendoza on the cover. She’s a certified Aldub Nation. We’re still looking for the November issue of the Preview magazine.
10.  Luci, one of my college friends, made it to India. She is there for a mission organized by the Christian community that she belonged.

How was your week? 

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Maira Gall